Mission Hub Application
Before applying for a space in our Mission Hub we would encourage you to read our statement of faith.

We’ve put the following guidelines in place for exhibitors.
1. Keswick at Portstewart agree to provide exhibition space in the Keswick Hub during Convention week, including providing a 1m x 1m display table and a chair if needed. Please note that power sockets are not available at each display.
2. Tea and coffee will be made available to exhibitors throughout the week
3. Keswick at Portstewart will host a lunch for exhibitors on the Monday of the Convention week as a ‘get to know you’ which exhibitors are expected to attend
4. Those exhibiting must be a personal, visible presence around their stand before and after all Bible Readings and Evening Celebrations.
5. Exhibiting Mission Societies should be in agreement with our Statement of Faith and statement on lifestyle, morality and personal example
6. Exhibitors should be prepared to stay and exhibit until 10.00pm on the closing night of Convention, and have the opportunity to take down on Saturday morning if they wish.
7. Exhibitors should have information on their stand not only on the work of their organisation but also providing opportunities for short term or long term service and other practical ways in which people can engage with their mission. This provides an opportunity for Convention attendees to work out the challenge to Serve God’s Mission.
8. A donation of £120 is expected from exhibitors, to be paid before the beginning of Convention week.
We will NOT be offering space in the Missionary Exhibition on a first-come-first-served basis. This is because we wish to ensure that there is a spread in parts of the world and types of work represented. Therefore, organisations and societies who wish to be represented at Keswick at Portstewart are asked to complete the application form. Applications will be considered by the Convention Management Committee and applicants notified as soon as possible after the closing date for application which is 18th November 24.