April Update 2024
“ Jesus our Lord... who was delivered up for our trespasses
and raised for our justification.”
Romans 4 v 25
At the cross, Jesus took our place, bearing the judgment of God that our sin justly deserves. He was “delivered up,” not for any sins of His own, but for our trespasses. Indeed, He was the sinless Saviour, yet He died as if He were guilty. The cross was truly a declaration of condemnation – our condemnation. He was condemned in our place.
But just as the cross was a declaration of condemnation, the resurrection was a declaration of vindication – both Jesus’ and ours! At the resurrection, our sinless Saviour was vindicated as the Righteous One. Through the resurrection, God declares that the sacrifice of His Son was fully accepted and that His Son is indeed righteous. Astonishingly, because of the resurrection, God pronounces the same righteous verdict for sinners who trust in Jesus! He was raised for our justification! Peter’s said in Acts 2:24: “it was not possible for him to be held by death” (CSB). This enemy that lays every person low, that none of us can defeat, that causes fear in our hearts was too weak to have a hope of holding Jesus down. Jesus didn’t simply win, Jesus couldn’t help but win. He could not have stayed dead. Such is the power and certainty of Christ’s victory and our hope in the resurrection.
At the cross, Jesus shared in our condemnation so that by His resurrection, we might share in his vindication. And soon enough, we will share in His glorification.
Praise be to the risen Christ!
Speaker Bio
David Cassidy is the Lead Pastor of Spanish River Church in Boca Raton, Florida, a large cross-cultural church known for helping to plant over 600 churches around the world.
David is the author of Indispensable, A Guide to Christian Basics (P&R).
He has been a Pastor for 43 years, serving congregations in the US and the UK. David and his wife, Toni have been married since 198o, and they are grateful to God for three children and two grandchildren.
Will you prayerfully consider volunteering on the Stewarding team this July? Either in the carpark or in the tent, you will be a vital member of the team and also be blessed by the bible teaching. Whether you can give a morning, an evening or both we would really appreciate your help. Register your interest now by clicking the button below!
2024 Promo Video
We would love our 2024 promo video to reach far and wide so that others can attend the Portstewart Convention and be refreshed through the ministry of God’s Word. Please share it with your friends and Church family, perhaps you could ask that the video is shown during a service! You can download the video via our website or get in touch via email.www.keswickatportstewart.org/resource
The Keswick at Portstewart Organising Team